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5th Technical Meeting for the AMIGA project to be held in Braunschweig

From the 30th September  to the 1st of October the Thünen Institute will host the 5th technical meeting and management board of the AMIGA project. The consortium will gather in Braunschweig,…

A close-up view of the first AMIGA Summer School

A positive commentary written by one of the AMIGA Summer School participants has been published on the BEES Research blog, directed by the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University…

Positive feedback at the first AMIGA Summer School on Environmental Risk Assessment

Amiga 40312 Mid Sized File for General Use
Selected early-career researchers, coming from different EU and non-EU countries, gathered in Carlow, Ireland, to participate to the first AMIGA Summer School organised by Teagasc and Minerva Communication. Speakers with…

Getting closer: AMIGA Summer School on Environmental risk Assessment (ERA) of GM crops

maize field
AMIGA consortium will be in Carlow, Ireland, from the 2nd to the 5th of September to participate in the first Summer School hosted by Teagasc and organised with the support…

AMIGA field activities presented at the 6th European Plant Science Retreat

AMIGA activities were presented by Wageningen University at the 6th European Plant Science Retreat Conference that took place in Amsterdam from the 1st to the 4th of July. Representatives from…

AMIGA new study presented at the XXIV Italian National Congress of Entomology

AMIGA project coordinator, Dr Salvatore Arpaia, will present the new study conducted by Salvatore Arpaia, Ferdinando Baldacchino, Paul W. Goedhart, Martine Kos, Joop J.A. van Loon and Hilko van der…

AMIGA results presented at the EFSA GMO Scientific Panel

On the 20th of May Dr. Salvatore Arpaia, AMIGA project coordinator, held a seminar at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) premises in Parma, Italy, in the framework of the…

AMIGA project results showcased in Ecology and Entomology events

After presenting the results of the monitoring of insect communities on blight resistant potatoes at the Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting 2014 (NAEM) in February, AMIGA consortium, represented by Dr Salvatore…

New study published by researchers of the AMIGA project

A new study conducted by Salvatore Arpaia, Ferdinando Baldacchino, Paul W. Goedhart, Martine Kos, Joop J.A. van Loon and Hilko van der Voet from AMIGA project has been published with the…

AMIGA first Summer School on Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of GM crops

AMIGA has launched its first Summer School, which will be hosted by Teagasc in Carlow, Ireland, from the 2nd till the 5th of September 2014. The selected participants are early-career…