Büro Lang

Büro Lang

Büro Lang was founded in 2004 and is a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) offering research and consultancy in ecology and environmental sciences and planning. The core competence of Büro Lang is the monitoring of animal biodiversity and environmental impact assessment of transgenic crops.
Priority of Büro Lang is set on – but is not restricted to – the agricultural landscape, with a focus on the environmental friendly application of management practices. Büro Lang develops and establishes basic knowledge and follow-on plans supporting public authorities in policy decision making, e.g. the German Federal Office for Nature Protection BfN (Bundesamt für Naturschutz) or the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment BAFU (Bundesamt für Umwelt). Büro Lang is and was involved in several projects in the field of biodiversity and genetically modified organisms such as the biodiversity monitoring in Switzerland, the development of monitoring strategies for butterflies and moths, selection and testing of bio-indicators, or environmental impact assessment of certain transgenic crops.


Büro Lang will lead the task 7.2 “Development of a standardised methodology for a lepid GMO monitoring and validation on AMIGA commercial sites”, and contribute substantially to task WP2.3 “Guidance toolkit for selecting ERA and PMEM sites“. It will also participate in task 7.1 “Review of existing strategies and experience for PMEM”, and contribute to task WP7.4 “Design of exposure and hazard models” and task WP7.5 “Design of a general framework for an integrated ERA/PMEM”.

Staff members’ profile

Dr Andreas Lang is a senior ecologist/zoologist, and his research expertise and interests include environmental risk assessment, pest management, conservation ecology as well as monitoring methods and strategies. He has mainly worked with butterflies and birds, but also with other groups such as spiders, ground beetles, locusts, dragonflies and amphibians. Dr Lang has over 20 years experience in animal monitoring, 18 years of experience in agricultural entomology, and over 10 years experience in environmental risk assessment of transgenic crops. He is a member of the Swiss Expert Commission for Biological Safety EFBS, chair of the advisory board “Monitoring the effects of genetically modified organisms” of the German Society of Engineers VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure), chair of the expert commission “Standardised monitoring of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera)” of the VDI, and was an ad-hoc expert in the environmental group of the GMO panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2003 – 2008).